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admin, June 2016

June 2016

Aristocrat Leisure Limited (ASX:ALL) added significant value to the Ralton Australian Shares portfolio following a 20% upgrade to profit guidance for the 2016 financial year. The profit uplift was driven by a number of factors including market share gains in Australia and North America, continued growth in participation gaming machine installations (annuity-style income) and continued stellar growth for the Digital division (from a low base). This growth reflects the continued investment in product by ALL through its studio strategy. Looking forward, we believe ALL’s operating momentum should continue while its main peers remain distracted by their own large-scale acquisitions. With a strong balance sheet and free cash flow, ALL has the option of increasing distributions or making another acquisition. We are comfortable with ALL pursuing acquisitions given its success integrating VGT and Product Madness.

View the May 2016 performance reports: