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Insights, January 2019

The S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index returned -8.41% for the December quarter, with Utilities and Consumer Staples the top performing sectors and Consumer Discretionary and Energy the weakest performers for the period.

The Australian market pulled back aggressively during the December quarter falling -8.41%, outperforming global indices. We ascribe the better relative performance to the fall in the Australian dollar boosting offshore earnings as well as the index’s greater weighting to resources which benefited from a resilient iron ore price.

Ralton Australian Shares portfolio
Woolworths Group outperformed in December as the Australian equity market staged a late rally to end the quarter marginally lower.

View December 2018 report

Ralton High Yield Australian Shares portfolio

Inghams Group posted a strong return during the December quarter, outperforming the broader market.

View December 2018 report

Ralton Smaller Companies portfolio

Regis Resources strongly outperformed the market over the December quarter. We are expecting improved timing of shipments to support a steady increase in RRL’s gold sales over the remainder of FY19.

View December 2018 report

Ralton Leaders portfolio

Northern Star Resources strongly outperformed the market over the December quarter as the company continued to deliver on its strategy of balancing the delivery of successful organic growth with well executed M&A.

View December 2018 report