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Insights, December 2018

The S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index returned -2.18% for the month of November, with Financials and Information Technology the top performing sectors and Materials and Energy the weakest performers for the period.

The Australian market bucked the trend of key global markets which rose modestly during November. The reason for the divergence was our markets’ heavy exposure to Energy and Materials, which both underperformed.

Ralton Australian Shares portfolio

Woolworths Group strongly outperformed in November against a backdrop of continued weakness in the Australian equity market.

View November 2018 report

Ralton High Yield Australian Shares portfolio

Inghams Group continued to outperform in November as the market rewarded the company’s defensive qualities and multiple growth drivers.

View November 2018 report

Ralton Smaller Companies portfolio

OFX Group pulled back sharply, unwinding its recent outperformance, after releasing its results which did not meet the expectations of the market.

View November 2018 report

Ralton Leaders portfolio

Amcor Ltd the global packaging company, outperformed the market during November.

View November 2018 report